Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sunday's story...'s your day guys?

Now i've been quite lazy to do things, struggling to fight against procrastination! its not easy have to be strong MENTALLY to do so..i guess strong physically here is useless..err, okey its not enough because feel tired all day can lead to procrastination as well..hehe..

I'm gonna talk about DREAMS...i'm pretty sure all of you have dreams right..if not many, one dream is acceptable...i also have many dreams. I want to have excellent grades and be a successful doctor, I want to travel all around the world, I want to have properties on my own, I want to be respected by people, I want to bla...bla...bla......... but deep inside my heart, I want to be independent. I want to be able to stand on my own feet, I want to be the daughter that gives benefit to her parents and her family and I wanna flyyyy! =)

But dreams are only dreams if there is no single action is taken to fulfill it. its okay if you cannot do much effort in fulfilling your dream (if you are a student like me..), maybe you can start saving right now, even 10 or 20 cents per day is acceptable as long as it is continuously doing. In fact, many can be done as a student also...i take an example to achieve high grade in exam. All you have to do is study. Once you have a high grade, you indirectly make your parents and other family members it??

But life is unpredictable. Why? because it involved the karma..sometimes you have struggle enough and you have done what it is need to be done in order to get higher marks in exam but still...the result was not satisfied. It happens to me though. Don't be sad! you don't know the future as much as He knows it..and you don't know what He already prepared for is a journey, life is not a keep your motivation high, live your life with His guidance and you will find your beautiful destination. =D

See you next time~~ jaa ne~ =)

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