Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Trip to Belawai Beach


Trip to Belawai Beach was accompanied by beautiful and wonderful clouds. Check this out!

                                     On the way to the beach...

                                                  on one fine day...

                                          with beautiful clouds.

                                      We leaved our memory there!

            On the way back home accompanied by dark clouds.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Long House in Stapang


As we all know, 'long house' is very famous type of house in Sarawak. Each long house has a leader called 'tuai rumah'. A long house can have 5-10 rooms or we usually called 'doors', or it can be as long as a train. or even longer! That's why we called it 'long house'. The longest long house that I have been is the one with 40 doors! I was amazed the first time I saw it. There is really long house that was this long in this world! And it is only in Stapang. What about other places? I'm sure there are lot more long houses that were much longer that you can find in Sarawak here and you know why? because that is one of the beauties in Sarawak. =)

But, when we talk about long house, the first thing that we can imagine is that it must be made of wood. Totally made of wood! From the stance to the wall of the house, and the roof must be from some kind of dried leaves or whatever. Well, that maybe true in 50 years ago, but not in this century (maybe some of them still made of wood totally). Even though the development in Sarawak generally and Stapang specifically is 10 years behind from Kuala Lumpur, but the long houses here are much more better!

This is Andrew Lanting's long house (Rh Andrew Lanting). Andrew Lanting is the tuai rumah's name (leader's name).

Many dogs are here! Around 4-5 of them. As you can see, they just let them free wandering around the house. They even let the dogs in the house.

                                       A modern long house.

                Plaster ceiling. Even nicer than my house..hehe

Tuai rumah's house (in one those many rooms). The interior design is nice. Look! He even have a piano (at left side of picture)!

Among all the 8 long houses that I visited, this is the modernest one. Others are still in renovation and some of them are 80-95% are wooden long houses. Here are some of the long houses that I visited:

                                                      Rh Agan.

                                                      Rh Aping.

                                                      Rh Unggang.

Behind Rh Unggang. Can you tell what it is? That is the cage for oink..oink..yes, the big one is grey/pink and the small one is pink..

    This is the longest long house with 40 doors! Rh Dass. The front view. (picture taken from middle)

                                                  The remaining view.

            The bridge that connected from the middle of Rh Dass.

I hope with these pictures, we can at least know what the long house is looks like and it is very nice if you can step your feet in one these long houses to experience it yourself.

Till meet in the next entry..jaa-ne~ =)