Saturday, December 31, 2011

The last day of 2011.

I started my day today at 6 a.m. with sleepy eyes as I sleep at 1 a.m. this morning..what I do last night? we have to prepare the hampers for the bowling tournament for intra-ilf..yes, we prepared them ourselves! from shopping the items, wrapping the hampers till making our own flower ribbons!! what a wonderful experience!haha..we prepared 22 hampers altogether plus 15 small presents for the lucky draw...thanks God, we managed to finished them by 11.30 p.m. then I went for dinner as I don't get to have it before we started.

Unfortunately, during match today I didn't get any prize..huhu...never mind, I know I can't win (if u see my skill playing bowling today..u'll know I'll come last..hehe =P )...but it is such a pleasure to see their happy faces when receive the hampers that we prepared..and I was satisfied~~ =)

that's all about the bowling event this morning~ hehe

Oh oh, today also I become unofficially and officially a follower to my sis's blog! why I say unofficially and officially? because I only know she has a blog TODAY and read her posts and click the followers's button right away!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Last weekend in 2011.

Today is 30th December 2011..1 more day to go before new year we all know, we have 1 day off for celebrating new year, and for this year we will have 3 days off (including 2 days off at weekend)..well, even though it sounds fun having longer weekend holiday than usual but i cannot rest this weekend..huhu...3 works are waiting for me! 1 cwu, 1 pbl and a test on tuesday! T_T..hope i can finished them (cwu n pbl) on this weekend~ pheww~

should i do something in the coming new year?ermm, still thinking on it...hope i can find the answer soon..hehe =P

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Possessed by the devils

Last Friday (2 days ago), when I was reading news at harian metro online around 5.40pm, one of my friends come to my room searching for my roomate (of course my roomate was not there as she went back home that afternoon)...then, she straightly said that her friend was hysteria! whatttt?! ok, this is the first time something like this happened in our hostel in Sibu (well, since I lived here last year..) and also first time in my life!! now I know why she searching for my roomate, coz my roomate is a religious kidding k. =/

Me and another housemate make our way to that 'friend's' room..i don't dare to go near to her room to see her (okey, i admit i am a bit coward...err, a lot actually..hehe...shhh), i just wandering at the 1st level (her room is at 2nd level) and ask her friends what had really happened..shockingly, one of the boys says that he saw many childrens at the stairs (stairs to that girl's room)..that was freaking me out! does he really sees them??!!but, it also the reason why he cannot or with difficulty to go up to the girl's house (somehow, I see him at her house when i have enough courage to see her, means he finally made it..rite?)...

According to what my friend said, many methods have been done which I really don't know how it works, but the last method was we called someone who had experience in healing the 'possession' and we recited Yaasiin together...and she seems to be okay after that..and the next morning, that girl fly back home to her hometown for further management..and for the past 2 days also, I slept with my friend next door...hehehe =P

may she recover fully with Allah's permission and may He protect us from the devils..ameen~

Friday, December 23, 2011


How's ur life there? hope everything will be fine as you expected it to be..well, not every people have life that they want isn't it? but , 1 thing to bear in mind is that every thing that happened in life must have meaning to it, rite?whether we realise it or not, its a difference can be what had happened to us is as punishment to us for our arrogance or it can be the guidance for us from making mistake that we will regret later...why i bring up this topic??because I WANT TO CHANGE!

it's true what they say,' find a good friend if u want to be a good person and don't be friends with bad people because they can lead u to do bad things'...well, i don't really remember the exact saying...but the meaning somehow is the same rite..hehe =P Initially, i don't agree with the saying, having living here in sarawak for almost 4 years teaches me a lot about LIFE, and meeting this wonderful friend make me think, 'What I really want in this life?'...i admit that i easily follow what my friends did (as i hanging out with them a lot..) and only now, I can feel the sweetness of His plan by meeting this 'hamba ALLAH'... thanks a lot Allah! thank u!! =)

it was all happened 1 year ago. I was in 3rd year in my university that time. some of my friends that i always hang out with were the fans of k-pop and as they always talk about it, played the songs in the car (that i always ride on every morning and evening), somehow i drawn to listens to it as well and as days goes by, i was more and more thirst for k-pop entertainment..and more and more feel lost, empty...until my remedial exam result came out....i was speechless when the results turn out to be "repeated 3rd year"... i cried when talking on the phone with my mother. my feeling was mixed...sad, guilt and every negative feelings..i feel soooo stupid and totally lost hope in my life..even i think its better if i quit from this field...

But Allah's plan is the best..when i came again to Sibu, i room mate with this wonderful lady..she is also happened to be in the same situation as me...the repeaters..but looking at her, only a calm face that i can worries, no regret and no guilt at her face..and through her, I started to get closer to Him..i started to love nasyids as she only listens to nasyids and always played the song in her that moment, I realised what He had given is the thing that I NEEDED MOST in my life rather than passing exams that i longing for...thank u again ALLAH for saving me from drowning in hedonism..ALHAMDULILLAH! =D

hope my story will be a starter for u to have hope in Allah (for those who has lost hope) because He knows best, and deepens our love towards Him~ InsyaALLAH!