Friday, December 23, 2011


How's ur life there? hope everything will be fine as you expected it to be..well, not every people have life that they want isn't it? but , 1 thing to bear in mind is that every thing that happened in life must have meaning to it, rite?whether we realise it or not, its a difference can be what had happened to us is as punishment to us for our arrogance or it can be the guidance for us from making mistake that we will regret later...why i bring up this topic??because I WANT TO CHANGE!

it's true what they say,' find a good friend if u want to be a good person and don't be friends with bad people because they can lead u to do bad things'...well, i don't really remember the exact saying...but the meaning somehow is the same rite..hehe =P Initially, i don't agree with the saying, having living here in sarawak for almost 4 years teaches me a lot about LIFE, and meeting this wonderful friend make me think, 'What I really want in this life?'...i admit that i easily follow what my friends did (as i hanging out with them a lot..) and only now, I can feel the sweetness of His plan by meeting this 'hamba ALLAH'... thanks a lot Allah! thank u!! =)

it was all happened 1 year ago. I was in 3rd year in my university that time. some of my friends that i always hang out with were the fans of k-pop and as they always talk about it, played the songs in the car (that i always ride on every morning and evening), somehow i drawn to listens to it as well and as days goes by, i was more and more thirst for k-pop entertainment..and more and more feel lost, empty...until my remedial exam result came out....i was speechless when the results turn out to be "repeated 3rd year"... i cried when talking on the phone with my mother. my feeling was mixed...sad, guilt and every negative feelings..i feel soooo stupid and totally lost hope in my life..even i think its better if i quit from this field...

But Allah's plan is the best..when i came again to Sibu, i room mate with this wonderful lady..she is also happened to be in the same situation as me...the repeaters..but looking at her, only a calm face that i can worries, no regret and no guilt at her face..and through her, I started to get closer to Him..i started to love nasyids as she only listens to nasyids and always played the song in her that moment, I realised what He had given is the thing that I NEEDED MOST in my life rather than passing exams that i longing for...thank u again ALLAH for saving me from drowning in hedonism..ALHAMDULILLAH! =D

hope my story will be a starter for u to have hope in Allah (for those who has lost hope) because He knows best, and deepens our love towards Him~ InsyaALLAH!

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