Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back home in Kelantan Diary: Resident inn: The Abandoned Inn?


Last week I went back to my old 'home', Kelantan to attend my friend's wedding. It is the main reason why I decided to come back home on this 1 week break. so, I was thinking maybe I can take a bus from KL to Kelantan on the next day I arrived from Sarawak. Coincidentally, my mother said that my family are all going to Kelantan as well because of my cousin's wedding reception. So I said, 'OK, save my money!' hehe =)

We convoyed with 2 cars, 1 drove by my father and the other 1 drove by my eldest brother. On the way to Kelantan, we stop by at the inn that I have stayed when I was a little girl. Back then, that inn was a luxurious inn to me as the building and interior design is in British style and I remember taking a picture under the 'mushroom' just outside the building in my pajamas with my siblings that night. we planned to have our lunch there, but when we arrived, the so called Resident Inn seems to be abandoned. The red building looking so dull and there is a ceiling's leaking of water and there are green fungus grows at the wall at the entrance! really looked like an abandoned inn! one question popped up in my mind, "is this inn still operating?" The building was built in 1922 indeed but it shouldn't be this way...then, I followed my mother inside to check if the cafe is open..then, we met with a Malay lady (the keeper maybe, or maybe just a worker there) who watching tv at the lobby..but it looks more like an ordinary living room in an ordinary house to me..according to her, the cafe is close due to the holidays (I glance at the was empty with no decorations and couple of dirty plates are on the table..)..since we are here, my mother ask permission to use the toilet, then my mother went and use gent's restroom as the ladies's restroom was locked (it was non-functional )..when my mother is inside the restroom, I looked around at the counter and at the second floor (the stair just behind the counter) and it seems that the inn is still operating...the decorations at the counter and at the stair seems like there is no much changes from the last time I came here except that the cabinets at the corner of the building are all emptied..then I glance at the toilet after my mother came out, okey, it was nice..the tiles are in blue and there are some decorations at the mirror and the wall. My brother and I decided to buy an ice cream at the ice cream box in front of the counter but it was locked..the keeper said her friend keep the key but she already going back home...huhuhu...not our we decided to have our lunch at other place...before we leave the place, I once again look at the dull building and at the room's window and I thought "this place is good as a setting for the ghost story"...uhuhu...its creepy..

that's all for now..sorry for the bad grammar...ta-daa~

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Get motivated =)

Assalamualaikum everyone..

I got a happy news yesterday where the result of last posting exams was out and I passed! and addition to that, i'm unofficially can move on to 4th year! but honestly, it is not good to think that i'm unofficially a 4th year student now as i still have 1 more posting to go, because we don't know what will happen in the future. Anything can happen if we loose our guard. but whatever happened, thanks God for giving me this present, alhamdulillah, all praises just for Him. =)

last night i read about tun dr. mahathir's biography on wikipedia (malay version). Stated that he was born in 1925 and he got the MBBS from King Edward Medical College (now known as University Malaya) back in Singapore in 1953..means that he get the degree when he was 28 years old. Suddenly, i felt that some determination in me to do the best in my life as i'm also is about to grad at 27 years old (much older than other students who most of them will grad at 24 years old). I think, if he grads at 28 years old and later he can become one of the best shots in Malaysia, why I can't be like least I can live my life to the fullest so there is no regret in my life is not important how fast you can finish your studies or how fast you can start working (at young age) because all of this does not guarantee you will succeed in your work time later.. what is more important is how much knowledge that you can digest and how much knowledge that you can applied during your work time later on because only these factors that can help you to succeed in your respective fields. So, don't ever give up because sometimes He will give you something that you need when you least expected it. and keep your motivation high! =) and thanks to tun dr. mahathir also because you never failed to motivate me.. =)

ok, right now i only waiting for tomorrow to come fast so that i can go back home! i miss my family very much! miss to go round2 with flight tomorrow will be at 9pm and i will be arrived at lcct around 11 pm. i wish that there are no one who will cry upon my the other day..huhu ~it's not crying that symbolized a happy feeling meeting me though =(

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Holidays everyone! =D

Monday, January 9, 2012

Post inter-apartment match report

Do u still remember the inter-apartment match i talked about in the last post?well, that match just ended 2 days ago..and surprisingly our apartment (ILF Sibu) won the first place! =D hehe..thanks to their hardworking..seems like their hardwork is paid off..our apartment have participate in all matches and the gold medals were contributed by the boys through double badminton, futsal and single ping pong while the girls through basketball.. other matches we got 2nd and 3rd place..and some matches we lost even in the first round..hehehe =P

After the closing ceremony, we straightly back to Sibu by bus. It was 6 p.m when we departed, and we arrived at our apartment at 3 a.m! and I still have class (BST) that morning at 9 a.m!! huhu.. I am sooo tired~~luckily during BST i'm not fall asleep..hehe =)

That's all for now..ta-da~~

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year 2012

i have a test tomorrow but what i read cannot go inside my brain brain is tepuuu already!..huhuhu...*oops,sorry for the foul i decide to take a break..errr, i already take a break a while ago..hehe again..

first of all, I would like to wish u all "Happy New Year 2012". May this year our life full of happiness and may Allah bless us all!

i want to share something with u all..yesterday, a meeting regarding inter-apartment sports competition has been held at seminar room in ILF (the hostel where I lived). Many sports will be competed like badminton, futsal, table tennis, volleyball, netball n etc...and I was chosen to participate in table tennis (single, may be play in double as well), volleyball and 'sukaneka'...I have experiences in playing those three sports (is sukaneka we can call sport???) but I really dont play them well..I said WELL, not VERY WELL..for table tennis, i'm not holding the bat for almost 3 years (i dont remember the accurate duration)..volleyball...err, i have played it since primary school but the ball never come to me! so i don't know my true u guys can imagine what's the result will be right?huhu...everyone wants to win, including me but the chance for me to win in this competition seems to be..very thin..well, I will just enjoy myself then... =)

maybe some of u wondering why someone like me was chosen to participated in the competition on behalf of our hostel...the answer is, because there are not many of us and they don't want to play table tennis! their reason is same like me but because i was responsible for table tennis part, i volunteer myself to join..(actually, I myself want to play, but I'm afraid of getting embarrass during the competition due to my lack of skill =P )

That's all for now..wish me luck for my assessment tomorrow! see ya next time~ =D