Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nur Amalina Che Bakri...she's really a bright girl!


Last Sunday i watched Nona on TV3 talking about this excellent ex-SPM candidate which scored 17A1 in 2004, Nur Amalina Che Bakri. Currently, she is studying medicine at University of Edinburgh, UK in year 4. More surprisingly, she do double degrees! (besides medicine, she do a degree in pharmacology). The opportunity that only offered to those in top 90 students. But what is most surprising me is that, she wrote a book together with her lecturer titled, "ABC to the Unknown Symptoms" (if I'm not mistaken) when she is still a student!! Wowww...that was very impressive! 'O' That book will be published in UK on June or July this year and maybe will be sell at Malaysia later on. Are you jealous?? okey, I admit..I am jealous!haha..

But that was not long okey! because I think she deserved it..really deserved it...every success comes with hardship. She is very hardworking and studious person. She is working hard to achieve her dreams..and now, Allah granted her wishes: have excellent grades in studies and have a good scholarship from Bank Negara. In naked eye, she looks perfect with great intelligence, money and know how to fashion...but one thing that she lacked. She does not wearing hijab even though she is a moslem..I'm not stressed out the point here to humiliate her or want to make fun of her, but I want to show you that everyone has their advantages and disadvantages. Maybe some of you Allah has given the intelligence without the money, and some of you Allah has given money but without the intelligence, and maybe some of you Allah does not grant you both the intelligence and the money, but He give you His guidance to live your life.

The morale of the story is: it is useless to get jealous of what others have but you don't. Instead, be grateful with what you have and not resentful with what you don't. ~credited to my friend Ubai, for this beautiful quote =) ~

So now, let's us pray together for Amalina's success and may He open her heart to start wearing hijab one day! =D

Till we meet again..jaa ne~


U.N. said...

Oh my.. I was shocked to see you quote me. This means someone does read my blog!!! :D
You are a great writer, keep writing!!! I'll wait for your posts. :)

#FuturePilotWannabe said...

kalau UbiKeladi boleh putarkan masa,cubalah jadi cam Amalina.Tulis buku banyak2.I think our parents will proud of you.....