Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Short Review for "Ibubapa Soleh Anakk Cemerlang"


Around last 2 weeks I participate in a program called "Ibubapa Soleh Anak Cemerlang" or ISAC which started from 8 a.m until 5 p.m. Such a long day for me.. hehe  =P The program starts with the first slot: 'Your Food, It's You' by Madam Shazamawati binti Hashari at 8.30 a.m until 10 a.m. Then, they prepared some refreshment before move on to the second slot: 'Anakku Sehebat Hasan & Husin' by Ustazah Nor Saleha binti Mohd Salleh in which she successfully make me opened my eyes widely for 2 hours. I have to say, she is very good in giving motivation. Feeling my time was not wasted. Should listen to her if you want some motivations or tips in life..you can find her in TV9..hehe =)

                                                Ustazah Nor Saleha (credited to uncle google..)

The program moved on with talk show: 'Membina Generasi Harapan!' by 3 panels: Ustaz Sarip bin Adul, Ustazah Nor Saleha and Ustazah Hasmida. Lastly, it ended with nasyeeds and closing ceremony by YB Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Junaidi.

Till then..jaa ne~
p/s: this post has been in the draft for quite some time..sorry for the late publish...

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