Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Trip to Belawai Beach


Trip to Belawai Beach was accompanied by beautiful and wonderful clouds. Check this out!

                                     On the way to the beach...

                                                  on one fine day...

                                          with beautiful clouds.

                                      We leaved our memory there!

            On the way back home accompanied by dark clouds.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Long House in Stapang


As we all know, 'long house' is very famous type of house in Sarawak. Each long house has a leader called 'tuai rumah'. A long house can have 5-10 rooms or we usually called 'doors', or it can be as long as a train. or even longer! That's why we called it 'long house'. The longest long house that I have been is the one with 40 doors! I was amazed the first time I saw it. There is really long house that was this long in this world! And it is only in Stapang. What about other places? I'm sure there are lot more long houses that were much longer that you can find in Sarawak here and you know why? because that is one of the beauties in Sarawak. =)

But, when we talk about long house, the first thing that we can imagine is that it must be made of wood. Totally made of wood! From the stance to the wall of the house, and the roof must be from some kind of dried leaves or whatever. Well, that maybe true in 50 years ago, but not in this century (maybe some of them still made of wood totally). Even though the development in Sarawak generally and Stapang specifically is 10 years behind from Kuala Lumpur, but the long houses here are much more better!

This is Andrew Lanting's long house (Rh Andrew Lanting). Andrew Lanting is the tuai rumah's name (leader's name).

Many dogs are here! Around 4-5 of them. As you can see, they just let them free wandering around the house. They even let the dogs in the house.

                                       A modern long house.

                Plaster ceiling. Even nicer than my house..hehe

Tuai rumah's house (in one those many rooms). The interior design is nice. Look! He even have a piano (at left side of picture)!

Among all the 8 long houses that I visited, this is the modernest one. Others are still in renovation and some of them are 80-95% are wooden long houses. Here are some of the long houses that I visited:

                                                      Rh Agan.

                                                      Rh Aping.

                                                      Rh Unggang.

Behind Rh Unggang. Can you tell what it is? That is the cage for oink..oink..yes, the big one is grey/pink and the small one is pink..

    This is the longest long house with 40 doors! Rh Dass. The front view. (picture taken from middle)

                                                  The remaining view.

            The bridge that connected from the middle of Rh Dass.

I hope with these pictures, we can at least know what the long house is looks like and it is very nice if you can step your feet in one these long houses to experience it yourself.

Till meet in the next entry..jaa-ne~ =)

Friday, June 15, 2012

KL International Music & Light Festival 2012


There are lot to tell but limited time to do it..getting busier day by day..what to do, this is the student's life,isn't it ? okay, let's get back to the story...

There is 1 event that I'm very excited to tell you about..it is Kuala Lumpur International Music & Light Festival 2012 that was held for 1 week starting 4th june 2012 until 8th june 2012 in Suria KLCC. It was in conjunction with the World Gas Conference by Petronas...even though the event lasted for 1 week but we only managed to go there on thursday..friday was clearly not free as there was a football match between malaysia and singapore. The festival started at 8pm until 10.30pm (I went there at 10pm). There are musical performances from all over the world. They played many instruments and only instruments! No singing! The night I went, there are performances from (I don't know in which country as I arrived late..but the violinist wore white kebaya..very nice!) and a group from Korea played 4 songs. I remember 2 songs they played were called Arirang, the famous traditional song and the other one is called The Brown Horse. What can I say is..they are good. Well, that was not the reason I went to the festival. What I want to see is the fountain show! =D

                     The fountain when the performers are performs.

                Not so clear here...but the fountain, the light and the music are fantastic!

                         Sorry again for the bad picture... =(

How I know that there will be fountain show during this festival? Actually, I coincidentally watch their rehearsal..that time, they only test the fountain and the lighting but not putting in the music yet.

They also have montages that they screened at the wall of the Suria KLCC's building. Amazing! Unfortunately I cannot upload the montage that I have recorded.. =(

 The event was ended by another fountain show and the fireworks! Love it! =)

                                                 It's beautiful! It is not?

 Overall, it was fantastic! I admired the fountain show the most. =D

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My first english novel...or novels? =)


At last! Finally! Eventually! *okey soma, stop it... I bought 2 English novels! =D I feel like I'm floating in the sky, flying together with the birds watching the beautiful and brightful sun in front of my eyes...They are the first ever novels that I bought with my own money in my whole life!... Don't you never have bought a novel before? Yes I have but... that was a malay novel.. Don't you never have read english novels before?? Err, yes I have...in the library... Okey, so please, don't exaggerate things too much. Errr, okey... =P

These are the books that I bought =) :

                                                             Little Woman...

                and Great Expectations... and of course, the pictures are credited to uncle google...hehe.. The cover is different from mine.

These are the original books that I bought..sorry for the blurred picture..taken with my phone.

I bought these at Popular and the price is very affordable. Only rm8.90 per book... Can you see there is a sticker showing 50% off for the 2nd book bought...that's why I bought 2 books! hehehe =P

Maybe some of you would think that I am a classic person because reading these classic tales..actually, I don't mind reading any kind of books especially the books with fiction genre....but the problem is, the fiction books are expensive and I am quite stingy to spend my money on expensive books.. I am a student you know..don't have a permanent income yet, have to save money... =P  Until now, the only thing that I was not stingy about is......food! haha =P

Till then, happy reading everyone!

Short Review for "Ibubapa Soleh Anakk Cemerlang"


Around last 2 weeks I participate in a program called "Ibubapa Soleh Anak Cemerlang" or ISAC which started from 8 a.m until 5 p.m. Such a long day for me.. hehe  =P The program starts with the first slot: 'Your Food, It's You' by Madam Shazamawati binti Hashari at 8.30 a.m until 10 a.m. Then, they prepared some refreshment before move on to the second slot: 'Anakku Sehebat Hasan & Husin' by Ustazah Nor Saleha binti Mohd Salleh in which she successfully make me opened my eyes widely for 2 hours. I have to say, she is very good in giving motivation. Feeling my time was not wasted. Should listen to her if you want some motivations or tips in life..you can find her in TV9..hehe =)

                                                Ustazah Nor Saleha (credited to uncle google..)

The program moved on with talk show: 'Membina Generasi Harapan!' by 3 panels: Ustaz Sarip bin Adul, Ustazah Nor Saleha and Ustazah Hasmida. Lastly, it ended with nasyeeds and closing ceremony by YB Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Junaidi.

Till then..jaa ne~
p/s: this post has been in the draft for quite some time..sorry for the late publish...

Friday, April 20, 2012



Yesterday, I went to the main campus to join the forum called "Bicara Cinta Sebelum, Semasa & Selepas" or it was called love before, in present and after (the marriage I guess..). When I arrived around 8.30 p.m., the forum already has started, and I missed the opening show presented by nasheed group. 3 panels have been brought from Kuala Lumpur that night. They are Mr. Amin Idris, Mr. Najdi or famous by the name of Imam Muda Najdi, and the only female panel, Miss Nur Mastura Mansor.

Mr. Amin Idris

Imam Muda Najdi

Miss Nur Mastura @ Kak Mas

I'm not really interested to join the forum at first. The title really don't interest me at all because I can guess what they gonna say. But what interests me is that, meeting Kak Mas, my senior at Perak Matriculation College. Even look at far, it is enough for me. However, my time there were not gone waste. They are really good in giving counselling and sure, they've got many experiences in life. I was amazed by the Kak Mas's principal and how firm she is when dealing a love problem in her life. She is rather live alone than live with the man that can't even make a decision who he wants to be with. She's not worried as she leaves all to Allah to decide. "Kalau ada, ada lah...kalau takde, takde lah"~~Kak Mas.

Another speech that caught my ears is from Mr. Amin Idris. According to him, we have to have a dream to success. We will not going anywhere if we don't. He told us his story. Years ago, he told his friend about his dreams. His dreams are to get rich from RM5000 per month increase to RM1.5 million per month, writes 30 books that will translate to 30 languages and so and so....(can't remember all his dreams..too many). His friend could not believe him. He think it was ridiculous and said something like, "You are crazy". And he, Mr. Amin teaches us if there are people who underestimate our dreams, just replied with a short, simple and concise answer, "SO WHAT?!" Because they don't deserve to underestimate/laugh at our BIG dreams because they themselves don't have one.

I was quite lucky that night. After the forum has ended, instead of planning just to see her from far, I got a chance to see Kak Mas, my senior face-to-face, talk to her and hug her. =) I also got a chance to take a picture with all the panels but unfortunately, I don't have a copy...yet..will try to ask somebody who have it..

That's all for now...see ya~~

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gonna miss Serian...


Get posting in Serian for 3 weeks seems to be long at first but the time flew by so fast that the 3 weeks feels like 3 days. Many of my friends that already posted in Serian told me the famous story of the hostel that they lived in when I asked them how the Serian is. They told me the creepy story behind the wall of the hostel...or it is more like a dorm to me. They heard that the tables and chairs being dragged by 'someone' almost every night. Sometimes during the day. Sometimes they heard a women's voice...and of course, that kind of story scared out of me! to some extent, I hope that I will not be posted in Serian! but that is not possible though...huhu

But everything is changed when I stepped my feet in Serian. For me, Serian is quite a nice place to lived in..its just a small town less better than Sibu, but its still a nice place. Our hostel (or a dorm..hehe) just beside the KFC. So you can imagine how our daily life was affected by the tempting KFC smells??and because of that, I eat KFC every week! I know it is bad..very bad.. =(

Everything seems to be okay with me, except that the people of Serian looks a bit weird. They looked at us like they never meet a person before! and that make we feel like we are the aliens!

And to my surprise, I never heard or experienced a weird sounds like what my friends told me until, my last night at Serian. That night, I was already slept for about 1 and a half hour before I woke up again at 10.50pm. Thinking that I haven't finished my seminar slides, I hurriedly wake up, perform my Isya' prayer and start my work. At 12.00a.m, the sounds of tables and chairs being dragged touched my ear. I was not afraid at that time as some of my friends are still awake. Finishing my work that was ended at 1.30a.m. leave me the only person that still awake at that time as my seminar-presenter-partner has jumped up on her bed. Aware of that situation, I also prepared to sleep even though my eyes were not sleepy because I already has slept beforehand. I closed my eyes, put the pillow over my face and try to sleep which I know it's not working as I still can hear the 'sounds' for another 30-60 minutes. I only know that I fall asleep when I wake up at 6.20a.m.

At last! I got to experienced the most 'famous' story of Serian even though I only got the chance during my last night here..hehe..even though it is creepy to some people and its not a good thing to hope for, but having experience something that is 'common' in our hostel in Serian is quite fortunate, don't you think?

See ya! Jaa-ne~~ =)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nur Amalina Che Bakri...she's really a bright girl!


Last Sunday i watched Nona on TV3 talking about this excellent ex-SPM candidate which scored 17A1 in 2004, Nur Amalina Che Bakri. Currently, she is studying medicine at University of Edinburgh, UK in year 4. More surprisingly, she do double degrees! (besides medicine, she do a degree in pharmacology). The opportunity that only offered to those in top 90 students. But what is most surprising me is that, she wrote a book together with her lecturer titled, "ABC to the Unknown Symptoms" (if I'm not mistaken) when she is still a student!! Wowww...that was very impressive! 'O' That book will be published in UK on June or July this year and maybe will be sell at Malaysia later on. Are you jealous?? okey, I admit..I am jealous!haha..

But that was not long okey! because I think she deserved it..really deserved it...every success comes with hardship. She is very hardworking and studious person. She is working hard to achieve her dreams..and now, Allah granted her wishes: have excellent grades in studies and have a good scholarship from Bank Negara. In naked eye, she looks perfect with great intelligence, money and know how to fashion...but one thing that she lacked. She does not wearing hijab even though she is a moslem..I'm not stressed out the point here to humiliate her or want to make fun of her, but I want to show you that everyone has their advantages and disadvantages. Maybe some of you Allah has given the intelligence without the money, and some of you Allah has given money but without the intelligence, and maybe some of you Allah does not grant you both the intelligence and the money, but He give you His guidance to live your life.

The morale of the story is: it is useless to get jealous of what others have but you don't. Instead, be grateful with what you have and not resentful with what you don't. ~credited to my friend Ubai, for this beautiful quote =) ~

So now, let's us pray together for Amalina's success and may He open her heart to start wearing hijab one day! =D

Till we meet again..jaa ne~

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sunday's story...

Assalamualaikum...how's your day guys?

Now i've been quite lazy to do things, struggling to fight against procrastination! its not easy though...you have to be strong MENTALLY to do so..i guess strong physically here is useless..err, okey its not enough because feel tired all day can lead to procrastination as well..hehe..

I'm gonna talk about DREAMS...i'm pretty sure all of you have dreams right..if not many, one dream is acceptable...i also have many dreams. I want to have excellent grades and be a successful doctor, I want to travel all around the world, I want to have properties on my own, I want to be respected by people, I want to bla...bla...bla......... but deep inside my heart, I want to be independent. I want to be able to stand on my own feet, I want to be the daughter that gives benefit to her parents and her family and I wanna flyyyy! =)

But dreams are only dreams if there is no single action is taken to fulfill it. its okay if you cannot do much effort in fulfilling your dream (if you are a student like me..), maybe you can start saving right now, even 10 or 20 cents per day is acceptable as long as it is continuously doing. In fact, many can be done as a student also...i take an example to achieve high grade in exam. All you have to do is study. Once you have a high grade, you indirectly make your parents and other family members happy...got it??

But life is unpredictable. Why? because it involved the karma..sometimes you have struggle enough and you have done what it is need to be done in order to get higher marks in exam but still...the result was not satisfied. It happens to me though. Don't be sad! you don't know the future as much as He knows it..and you don't know what He already prepared for you..life is a journey, life is not a destination...so keep your motivation high, live your life with His guidance and you will find your beautiful destination. =D

See you next time~~ jaa ne~ =)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back home in Kelantan Diary: Resident inn: The Abandoned Inn?


Last week I went back to my old 'home', Kelantan to attend my friend's wedding. It is the main reason why I decided to come back home on this 1 week break. so, I was thinking maybe I can take a bus from KL to Kelantan on the next day I arrived from Sarawak. Coincidentally, my mother said that my family are all going to Kelantan as well because of my cousin's wedding reception. So I said, 'OK, save my money!' hehe =)

We convoyed with 2 cars, 1 drove by my father and the other 1 drove by my eldest brother. On the way to Kelantan, we stop by at the inn that I have stayed when I was a little girl. Back then, that inn was a luxurious inn to me as the building and interior design is in British style and I remember taking a picture under the 'mushroom' just outside the building in my pajamas with my siblings that night. we planned to have our lunch there, but when we arrived, the so called Resident Inn seems to be abandoned. The red building looking so dull and there is a ceiling's leaking of water and there are green fungus grows at the wall at the entrance! really looked like an abandoned inn! one question popped up in my mind, "is this inn still operating?" The building was built in 1922 indeed but it shouldn't be this way...then, I followed my mother inside to check if the cafe is open..then, we met with a Malay lady (the keeper maybe, or maybe just a worker there) who watching tv at the lobby..but it looks more like an ordinary living room in an ordinary house to me..according to her, the cafe is close due to the holidays (I glance at the cafe...it was empty with no decorations and couple of dirty plates are on the table..)..since we are here, my mother ask permission to use the toilet, then my mother went and use gent's restroom as the ladies's restroom was locked (it was non-functional )..when my mother is inside the restroom, I looked around at the counter and at the second floor (the stair just behind the counter) and it seems that the inn is still operating...the decorations at the counter and at the stair seems like there is no much changes from the last time I came here except that the cabinets at the corner of the building are all emptied..then I glance at the toilet after my mother came out, okey, it was nice..the tiles are in blue and there are some decorations at the mirror and the wall. My brother and I decided to buy an ice cream at the ice cream box in front of the counter but it was locked..the keeper said her friend keep the key but she already going back home...huhuhu...not our sustenance...so we decided to have our lunch at other place...before we leave the place, I once again look at the dull building and at the room's window and I thought "this place is good as a setting for the ghost story"...uhuhu...its creepy..

that's all for now..sorry for the bad grammar...ta-daa~

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Get motivated =)

Assalamualaikum everyone..

I got a happy news yesterday where the result of last posting exams was out and I passed! and addition to that, i'm unofficially can move on to 4th year! but honestly, it is not good to think that i'm unofficially a 4th year student now as i still have 1 more posting to go, because we don't know what will happen in the future. Anything can happen if we loose our guard. but whatever happened, thanks God for giving me this present, alhamdulillah, all praises just for Him. =)

last night i read about tun dr. mahathir's biography on wikipedia (malay version). Stated that he was born in 1925 and he got the MBBS from King Edward Medical College (now known as University Malaya) back in Singapore in 1953..means that he get the degree when he was 28 years old. Suddenly, i felt that some determination in me to do the best in my life as i'm also is about to grad at 27 years old (much older than other students who most of them will grad at 24 years old). I think, if he grads at 28 years old and later he can become one of the best shots in Malaysia, why I can't be like him..at least I can live my life to the fullest so there is no regret in my life later..it is not important how fast you can finish your studies or how fast you can start working (at young age) because all of this does not guarantee you will succeed in your work time later.. what is more important is how much knowledge that you can digest and how much knowledge that you can applied during your work time later on because only these factors that can help you to succeed in your respective fields. So, don't ever give up because sometimes He will give you something that you need when you least expected it. and keep your motivation high! =) and thanks to tun dr. mahathir also because you never failed to motivate me.. =)

ok, right now i only waiting for tomorrow to come fast so that i can go back home! i miss my family very much! miss to go round2 with them..huhu..my flight tomorrow will be at 9pm and i will be arrived at lcct around 11 pm. i wish that there are no one who will cry upon my arrival..like the other day..huhu ~it's not crying that symbolized a happy feeling meeting me though =(

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Holidays everyone! =D

Monday, January 9, 2012

Post inter-apartment match report

Do u still remember the inter-apartment match i talked about in the last post?well, that match just ended 2 days ago..and surprisingly our apartment (ILF Sibu) won the first place! =D hehe..thanks to their hardworking..seems like their hardwork is paid off..our apartment have participate in all matches and the gold medals were contributed by the boys through double badminton, futsal and single ping pong while the girls through basketball.. other matches we got 2nd and 3rd place..and some matches we lost even in the first round..hehehe =P

After the closing ceremony, we straightly back to Sibu by bus. It was 6 p.m when we departed, and we arrived at our apartment at 3 a.m! and I still have class (BST) that morning at 9 a.m!! huhu.. I am sooo tired~~luckily during BST i'm not fall asleep..hehe =)

That's all for now..ta-da~~

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year 2012

i have a test tomorrow but what i read cannot go inside my brain anymore..my brain is tepuuu already!..huhuhu...*oops,sorry for the foul language..hehe..so i decide to take a break..errr, i already take a break a while ago..hehe again..

first of all, I would like to wish u all "Happy New Year 2012". May this year our life full of happiness and may Allah bless us all!

i want to share something with u all..yesterday, a meeting regarding inter-apartment sports competition has been held at seminar room in ILF (the hostel where I lived). Many sports will be competed like badminton, futsal, table tennis, volleyball, netball n etc...and I was chosen to participate in table tennis (single, may be play in double as well), volleyball and 'sukaneka'...I have experiences in playing those three sports (is sukaneka we can call sport???) but I really dont play them well..I said WELL, not VERY WELL..for table tennis, i'm not holding the bat for almost 3 years (i dont remember the accurate duration)..volleyball...err, i have played it since primary school but the ball never come to me! so i don't know my true potential..hehehe...so u guys can imagine what's the result will be right?huhu...everyone wants to win, including me but the chance for me to win in this competition seems to be..very thin..well, I will just enjoy myself then... =)

maybe some of u wondering why someone like me was chosen to participated in the competition on behalf of our hostel...the answer is, because there are not many of us and they don't want to play table tennis! their reason is same like me but because i was responsible for table tennis part, i volunteer myself to join..(actually, I myself want to play, but I'm afraid of getting embarrass during the competition due to my lack of skill =P )

That's all for now..wish me luck for my assessment tomorrow! see ya next time~ =D